CTE- Agriculture Education


A teacher in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster must perform many duties to facilitate a successful program. It is the responsibility of the teacher to organize and conduct an instructional program that will:

In order to accomplish these responsibilities, the teacher will perform the following activities during and after school hours.


1. Instructional Program

The teacher will conduct an instructional program according to the State Board of Education rules as they relate to the full scope of the program being conducted. The basic curriculum and TEKS for each course shall be adhered to and:

2. FFA/Leadership Development

The FFA is an integral part of the instructional program. All Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources departments are expected to have an active FFA chapter. It is the duty of the teacher to serve as advisor for the local chapter. It is necessary that the teacher spend time in planning and conducting leadership, citizenship, and cooperative activities for students at the district, area, state, and national levels.


3. Supervised Agricultural experience programs of all students who receive instruction. This will include, but not limited to:

4. Adult Community Involvement

Plan and conduct an organized program of instruction and/or community involvement with adults. This may include, but not limited to alumni, young farmers, and booster clubs. Most of this instruction will be given after school, at night and during the summer.


5. Records and Reports

Prepare and submit FFA rosters, entries, registrations, etc. required by the local, district, area, state, and office promptly, and keep an accurate file copy of all records and reports.


6. Public and Professional Relations

Assume a responsible role in public and professional relations by actively participating in civic, professional, agricultural and other community organizations. Also keep the public informed as a part of the public relations program.


7. Professional Improvement


8. Evaluation of Program

Evaluation of the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources program shall be done on an organized and annual basis. This can be accomplished by:


9. Maintain Facilities and Equipment

Maintain facilities and equipment through the following activities;

10. Guidance

The teacher has a definite responsibility for providing information to students about career pathways as a guide to achieving necessary skills for continued education and employment. This may be done in cooperation with the guidance counselor.


11. Cooperative Activities

As a member of the local school faculty, the agricultural science teacher is expected to cooperate fully with local administrators and keep them informed about the program. The teacher is also expected to work closely with local and county agricultural organizations/agencies.


12. Off- Campus Supervision of Students

Supervise students at all off-campus activities such as conventions, contests, workshops, field trips, etc., associated with the agriculture, food, and natural resources program and the FFA.


13. Professional Ethics

Maintain professional and personal ethics in dealing with students, parents, community leaders, etc. You are a person of influence in the community.


14. Contract Guidelines

A plan for a Summer Program of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources will vary among school districts. Teachers, who are on extended 11-month or 12-month contracts, are encouraged to prepare a written summer plan and make it available to administrators to verify the teacher’s plans to conduct a continuing summer program of agriculture, food, and natural resources.


15. Summer Programs

Teachers on an extended contract should maintain a summer program that includes FFA activities, teacher in-service, program development and educational activities. Teachers should work with their administration to develop and carry out these programs.