Overton-Knox Campus Leader :

This is a unique position in the district, and the opportunity to make a generational impact on the city of Salisbury, NC. Your role will have two distinct parts that must be managed simultaneously:


The structure of this role for 2026-27 and beyond will be determined as part of the community-driven design process, based on developing the leadership structure that will most effectively support the new vision for the Overton-Knox campus. For example, the Overton-Knox Campus Leader may become the PK-2 Overton principal, the 3-8 Knox principal, or continue as the leader of the PK-8 Overton-Knox campus.


Overview of the Overton-Knox Redesign Project:

Knox Middle School was established in 1958, within the Salisbury City Schools, and was the sole public middle school in the Rowan County seat of Salisbury until its closing and demolition in 2023. It was regarded as one of the best public schools in the state of North Carolina in its early years, but had struggled in recent years, with a deteriorating facility, low academic outcomes and a high volume of disruptive behaviors that served as an obstacle to learning. Knox developed a reputation in the county for being unable to provide the education community members wanted, causing more community members to choose to send their students to middle schools outside of the district. While many efforts were made over the years to improve Knox, from offering accelerated programs for students to trying a co-principal model to offering additional stipends to attract committed educators, and some of these showed potential including Knox being one of the few schools in the state to show academic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, Knox’s negative reputation– particularly amongst those who did not have personal experience of the school– continued. At the same time, caregivers, former staff, and alumni report that Knox maintained the sense of community and strong teacher-student relationships it had historically fostered, serving as a family and a place where they felt deep belonging.


Discussion of the future of Knox was ongoing in the community for over two decades, and distrust of the district surfaced from the community as they didn’t see action. Finally in the spring of 2023, the school was demolished and, starting in the 2023-24 school year, Knox students were dispersed to four other middle schools in the Rowan-Salisbury School System. Currently there is no middle school operating in the city limits of Salisbury, but the district is committed to building a new Knox and healing existing wounds in the community by ensuring community voices are centered in the new design. The Rowan-Salisbury School system partnered with Transcend, a nonprofit that supports communities across the country to reimagine school, from February through May 2024. We engaged in deep community research to learn about Knox Middle School’s history, the most recent state of its student experiences, and the community’s aspirations for its future. We held focus groups and interviews with students (current 7th and 8th graders who attended Knox last year, Salisbury High 9th graders who graduated from Knox and who’d attended middle school out of district, and 5th graders who’d be slated to attend Knox), caregivers of those groups of students, former Knox staff members and leaders, all members of the School Board, and a wide range of community members. We also administered the Leaps for 21st Century Learning Survey with all students who attended Knox in the 2023-24 school year and engaged members of the cabinet about their assessment of the district’s Conditions for Innovation around the Overton-Knox project. We synthesized community insights based on that research and used them to create an initial Case for Change to serve as a communication tool to establish a common vision for what comes next. The next crucial step is to hire a transformational school leader who can pick up the reins of this project and shepherd its next phase.


The Work

The priorities for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years in this role will include:

Accomplishing these goals will mean splitting your time   between the day-to-day leadership of Overton Elementary and redesign work.


The Person

A leader who demonstrates:



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